Betty Salgado – Relocation Specialist

  • Education

    Ed. M. in Public School Building Leadership – Teachers College, Columbia University, New York City

    MA in Teaching – Marian University, Indianapolis

    BS in Business/Finance – Sacred Heart University, Fairfield  CT

    BS in Accounting and Auditing – Universidad Técnica de Ambato,  Ecuador

  • Languages Spoken

    English & Spanish

  • Countries Lived In

    I am originally from Ecuador and immigrated to the United States at age 21.  I also lived in Chile for 3 years due to my husband’s job relocation. 

  • What you love about your work

    Moving to a new home is one of life’s most stressful events, especially when relocating to a new country. I love the opportunity to help assignees and their families have a smooth and positive experience transitioning to Indiana. It also excites me to connect with amazing people and learn about different cultures.

  • Best international experience

    While living in Chile, we took every opportunity to travel, with the best trip being a drive from Santiago to the Island of Chiloe, crossing into Argentina to the city of Bariloche and up to San Martin de los Andes. We visited and stayed a couple of days in every city in between. The food, culture, lakes, and mountains were spectacular, and crossing the Andes Mountains was truly breathtaking.


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