Shades of Brown
Born in India and raised in America, I grew up with a strong…
No Truer Term Than “Hoosier Hospitality”!
On New Year’s Day of 2010, I landed in Indianapolis for the…
You Don’t Know What You Don’t Know: Minimizing Cultural Faux Pas
Every country is unique. It has its own customs, culture, and…
Getting the Most Out of a Cultural Exchange
Through traveling abroad and with my experiences interning with…
India(napolis) – The Place(s) I Call Home
The International Center changed my life. Now you may be thinking…
Unconscious Biases and the Beauty of the Unknown
By Masha Pupko, Programs and Services Intern
If there is one…
A Midwestern Girl’s Tasty Bite of the Big Apple
By Sarah Gibbons, International Citizen of the Year (ICY) InternGrowing…
Moving Abroad – Tips That Made My Adventure Easier
By Cullen Bickle, Marketing and Communications Intern
Located in the center of Indianapolis, The International Center…
Mexico: IN View
Indiana’s relationship with MEXICO
As one…