Chinese New Millennial Sea Turtles
Click here to view the Chinese translation.
Chinese individuals…

Congratulations to Our Sister City Hangzhou, 2016’s Host of the G20 Summit!
Click here to view the Chinese translation.
Some people may…

Spread the Love: Valentine’s Day Traditions around the World
Jane Austen, an English romantic novelist once wrote,

Chinese Lunar New Year: Traditions & Celebrations
New Year’s Eve celebrations take place all around the world,…

3 International December Holidays You May Not Know About
Throughout history, what is now known as the month of December…

This Is Not Halloween: 4 Ghostly Celebrations Around The World
Halloween, as it exists today, evolved from Irish and Scottish…

Study Abroad…in Reverse!
By Yin Li, China Project Intern As an international…

China: IN view
Indiana’s relationship with China

When it comes to December…: Reflection of an Internship
By Yizhi "Lois" Luo, Asian Learning Center of Indiana Intern

Learning about American and Asian Culture at ALCI
By Yiting Li, Asian Learning Center Intern Growing up in a different…