Telephone: (317) 955-5150
Fax: (317) 955-5160
The International Center
One Indiana Square, Suite 2000
Indianapolis, IN 46204 U.S.A
The International Center aims to promote events in Indiana that highlight and celebrate cultural diversity and international relations. Whether you like to engage in international diplomacy, eat Chinese food, dance to Russian music, celebrate a French holiday, or participate in Scottish games, we hope you’ll find a way to celebrate and participate in our global city.
Is your event missing from the calendar? Submit it!
The U.S. Department of Commerce has partnered with The American China Society of Indiana, The International Center and Butler University to provide Indiana businesses with knowledge necessary to safely conduct business in China.
Association of International Women is hosting the 2016 Annual Luncheon on April 8th. Learn about women from the past and hear from those who are making a difference today.
The American Council on Germany, Indianapolis Chapter will host a discussion with Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies at Harvard, IU Family School of Philanthropy and Dr. Sebastian Koos.
Join the Center for Interfaith Cooperation for the second film of the 2016 series, "Dancing in Jaffa."
Mark your calendars for the second annual Perry Cultural Festival and join in celebrating the Perry Townships diversity!
For the first time in Indianapolis, our Victory Day celebration will feature a full program that includes Russian music, costumed Russian dancers, Russian food, and a classic Russian film about World War II, The Cranes are Flying. However, for many members of the audience the highlight of the evening will undoubtedly be the recognition and thanks given to members of Indianapolis’ Russian Jewish community who served in the Red Army during World War II.
Expatriates and global-minded individuals are invited to help The International Center redefine cross-cultural connections in Central Indiana at International Connection (INTLCXN)—a new social group hosted by The Center. Join us for our inaugural event at The International Center office at One Indiana Square (Regions Bank Building) on Thursday, May 12, 2016, from 4:45-6 p.m. Enjoy light […]
The Haitian Flag Day is the biggest Haitian event of the year! It showcases more than 200-years of Haitian history, culture, food, culinary traditions, arts, and performances that are unique to the ethnic traditions and cultural of Haitians and other Caribbean and African countries.
For the third year, the Russian-American Culture and Education Center and School is hosting the Russian Festival! A time for to celebrate and learn more about Russian culture!
Mark your calendars for this year's World Trade Day on May 24! Global dignitaries and community leaders will join Indy Chamber as international business takes center stage.