Interns: Fall 2013 Edition

“We are the Interns!” is what our group became when we were selected to be a part of a great team here at The International Center. We all come from different backgrounds and we all received degrees from different Universities, but the five of us definitely have something in common: we are advocates of foreign cultures and international growth. Each of us possesses a diverse set of skills that can be used to assist The International Center in expanding Indiana’s global interest. So without further ado, here are the members of the Fall 2013 class of interns!
Yizhi “Lois” Luo
Asian Learning Center of Indiana Intern
“…I come from China and just earned a Master’s degree in Arts Administration at Indiana University, Bloomington. I grew passion about nonprofit organizations when I was exposed to nonprofit management courses during my master studies at the School of Public and Environmental Affairs. With my Asian cultural background and interests in education and culture diversity promotion, I have found The Asian Learning Center of Indiana, an incubating organization at The International Center, a good fit for me to contribute and advance my knowledge, skills and commitment to the causes I care about. The dedicated staff and their excellent mentorship to the interns are two of the other reasons why I decided to join the team after my graduation.”
Chris Wallace
Global Competency Intern
“…As a lifelong Hoosier and recent graduate of Indiana University, The International Center offers me a unique experience to better understand the cultural complexities of our state. I hope to learn about the international community within Indiana in a business environment, especially in the non-profit sector.
I’m excited to be able to continue to engage worldwide cultures and the many experiences each has to offer. The International Center will be a rewarding experience this Fall as it has already been with my attendance at several COPE sessions!”
Dillon Tautunu Smith
Relocation Services Intern
“…I was born and raised on the island of O’ahu, Hawai’i, moving around the United States when my parents joined the military. Polynesian, Japanese, Cantonese, Filipino and Portuguese influences tessellate the cultural landscape of Hawai’i, each proudly distinct, yet as a whole, one cultural mosaic that is distinctly Hawaiian. Because I have moved throughout my life to various places around the U.S., Germany and Japan, as Matsuo Basho would say, home is the journey itself. Such was the environment of Indiana University, where I graduated this May with high distinction Bachelor degrees in Linguistics, Anthropology and East Asian Languages and Cultures with a focus in Japanese. I observed the positive interaction of Hoosiers and their foreign guests as an English tutor, in language exchange programs, and around campus, where cultures embraced and wove together in unexpected and surprising ways. Having been a foreign guest myself throughout my life, I know the importance of these interactions and the excitement which they bring.”
Gaelen Strnat
International Visitors Leadership Program Intern
“…I graduated from Indiana University Bloomington in August 2013; my majors were Psychology and German and my minor in West European Studies. I originally hail from Dayton, Ohio, but I have lived in Indianapolis (apart from my time at University) since 1998. I heard about this internship through my father, who volunteers for the Indianapolis-Cologne Sister Cities Committee and was told about the opportunity by Martin Baier (Vice President, Programs and Services at The International Center). I spent my senior year at IU in Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany, which sparked an interest in international relations, so I am excited to work with The International Center this Fall!”
Lana Derevyashkina
Marketing and Communications Intern
“…I am a recent graduate of DePauw University: Bachelor’s in German and a Minor in Studio Art. I have always been passionate about foreign languages and international relations. Moving halfway across the world from Vladivostok, Russia, to Indiana, only made the desire to learn foreign languages and explore other cultures even stronger. I have always enjoyed learning something new about other cultures and finding out how different, yet similar, some of the foreign languages are. As a senior at DePauw, I had a chance to work as an intern at the Office of Campus Life: this opportunity sparked my interest in marketing. Since I was about to graduate, I was searching for opportunities that would address both marketing and international relations. Luckily for me, I found exactly what I needed at The International Center! I have a chance to learn more about marketing and development, as well as, help Indiana’s international and global development.”