Discover Your Inner-German and party at the Athenaeum, for the Athenaeum. All proceeds from this event benefit the maintenance and care of the Historic Athenaeum. Celebrate German-American Day with this unique family event. GermanFest is a day- long, indoor/outdoor festival that celebrates all things German, on Saturday, October 8th, 2016. Adults are $8 in advance and $10 at the door, Children 1-12 $3. Tickets may be purchased online at their website, www.athenaeumfoundation.org, and at the door the day of. Activities include: German music, German dancing, German food, German beer, a yodeling contest, wiener dog races, 5K OktoberFAST Run/Walk, large kids area, competitive Durstig Games, and Bavarian Stone Lifting Contest. For more information about GermanFest and how to get involved, visit the Athenaeum website!